all things about quilting including pictures.

Monday, March 05, 2012

Odds and Ends

Christine made this dragonfly quilt. Would love to try one like it sometime. The next two quilts were made for the Wounded Warrior project. Our guild is making quilts for them. These are a little long. They want wheelchair size so that the quilts will cover their laps but won't get caught in the wheels. They are all quilted now and bound and will be sent to them soon when we get more made up. They are quite easy to make. I've made 20 blocks so far and hope to make more. The next picture is a new tv stand that we got for Florida. For Christmas, the kids chipped in and got us a gift certificate to get a new flat screen tv for Florida. George put the stand together when we were there in Jan. Now we hope to get the tv soon. The last picture is a bunch of turkey that were in our yard a while ago. They sure are big!


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