all things about quilting including pictures.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Quilts From Bayberry Quilters Meeting

The guest speaker for Bayberry Quilt Guild, Marilyn, does portrait quilts. This was the only one I could get a picture of. It's not the best angle but it shows how talented she is. Her portrait quilts are amazing. She also had a lot of quilts of mythological figures also. The next quilt is Debbie's. Her first grandchild is due very soon and she made this very meaningful quilt. The whole family are huge Red Sox fans, so hence the Red Sox bear. She also put in things to represent her father and their love of all New England sports. Beautiful. The last quilt is one given to our outgoing president. One of our members asked us to sign a piece of muslin for a 'mystery' quilt. She got 125 signatures and put this lovely quilt together. That's our last meeting until September. Nice way to end our guild for the summer.


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