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Thursday, September 01, 2005

Sept 1st.-National Sewing Month!

It's Sept 1st and it's also National Sewing Month. According to a clinical survey by the Home Sewing Assoc., it was revealed that women who sew experience a drop in heart rate, blood pressure, and perspiration rate. These are key factors in the measurement of stress. Of course, when I'm under the gun to finish a project on time, then I'm under a lot of stress and George will say that he's so glad I have this RELAXING hobby!! But, mostly, it's very relaxing and destressing. So, everyone, grab a needle and destress!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A drop in perspiration rate and heart rate?? Clearly they didn't exmine me when they did this study. There is nothing relaxing about sewing!

5:30 PM


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