all things about quilting including pictures.

Friday, December 30, 2005

Who's Catnapping??

Aren't George and Dolcie so cute? She loves sleeping in the chair next to the teddy bear and she also loves the new vest George got for Christmas.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Hope you all had a great Christmas! We all sure did!! I didn't get any pictures of us opening presents. I'd gone to Midnight Mass and was too tired to get up out of the chair to take any pictures. You can see by the picture of the tree before Christmas and the one just before the presents were handed out, that there were plenty of presents under and around the tree.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry Christmas!

I long for the simpler times when Christmas wasn't so commercial and hectic as it is now. Maybe I just miss all the people from those times.

Merry Christmas to All!! I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Storm Damage and Punk Damage!!

These pictures show what is left of a shed on our property that blew apart during that wild storm on Fri. I've never seen a storm come up so fast or have that intensity. Ice was blowing sideways and the winds were whipping.
This is the only damage done in the trailer park by the freak ice and wind storm on Fri, Dec. 9th. The tree has been removed but it crushed an awning and a deck and was laying on the trailer.
This is what some punk or punks sprayed on the side of our motorhome! What creeps!! George takes such good care of it and for them to come along and spray it, is unforgiveable!

Monday, December 19, 2005

More Fun in Florida!!

Brian couldn't wait for the festivities. After a long-all-night flight, he couldn't keep his eyes open. We did have good times conversing, eating at home and at restaurants, etc. etc. There's Alison and George talking, with Bob in the background out at a restaurant. We were so many, we had to have 2 tables. Then there's Alison, Joe, Erin, and Ed having some more conversation. We were constantly going somewhere and do something.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

More of Animal Kingdom!

Aren't these fella's in the top 2 pictures handsome? They seemed very gentle and moved about so slowly, but I sure wouldn't want to cross them. I imagine that they have amazing strength. They are beautiful though. You can click on any of the pictures and get a closer look.

Here's more of those agile acrobats. One guy is jumping rope as if he's doing a pushup! They fly back and forth, around, and into those rings. Amazing!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Good Time in Florida

Two days before Thanksgiving, a few of us went to Disney's Animal Kingdom. We had a great time. There was an act with 4 guys in it that did tumbling and all kinds of very nimble things. Ah to be young again!!!
We had Thanksgiving out on our porch. It was about 78 degrees--just beautiful!

Monday, December 05, 2005

Karin and Jeff's Puppy

Karin and Jeff's puppy is getting so big. They bring him home Dec. 15th. They are calling him Jetty. That's cute. My vote was for Watson, but Jetty is cute too. I wish them good luck with him.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Let it Snow, Let it Snow!

Brian took this picture from a nearby mountain looking towards their house and a fog bank right over it. Alison was home working at the time. The other two are pictures looking out their door towards the lake of their first snow this winter. They sure have a pretty view. We're supposed to be getting snow tomorrow.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Back Home!

We're back home after a great time in Florida. It was nice to be all together for Thanksgiving. We missed having JoAnna and Kenny this year. We didn't go sailing, I just love these pictures. We do live quite close to a lake that I like to go to and relax when I have a few minutes. It's hard to return home after 2 weeks being away. My desk is piled high with things to be done--like paying bills!! It'll all get done in due time. A pipe from our heat was leaking in the livingroom and George had to fix that at 9:30 last night. I'm sure he wasn't happy about that, but it had to be fixed. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.