The quilt that I made for my nephew and bride. They liked it a lot. I also did a label with a picture that Erin got off the internet for me. Here's a picture of us four siblings! What a crew! Of course, I hate the picture of me!
The chapel was beautiful inside and out. My sister, Karen's, three youngest children were there. They are all grown up now. Nice looking, huh? A bunch of us had breakfast the next morning before we all had to disperse. Erin had to get to the airport and we had to start back home!
We had a great time at the hairdressers getting ready for the wedding. Great look, Erin! We also had a great time at the wedding! The bride was beautiful! Their first dance was special!
We went to Georgia to the motorhome rally from Sun until Thu. We had a good time. There were many things to do and the entertainment was very good. The first night was Tony Kenny's Ireland with dancers and singers. The next night was a country group called Restless Heart. They were very good too. Then on Thu it was off to Kentucky. We stayed in Nashville on Thu night and then pulled into Shepardsville, KY the next night and on to the rehearsal dinner. The bride-to-be was with her girlfriends at the table. She's wearing pearls and has a drink in her hand.
Here are a few more quilts from our guild. The top one was made from our fabric swap. Lorraine's is next-very bright. Then Sunny's quilt that she calls, Sunny Day, and the last is Pat's quilt. Nice job, everyone.