Monday, February 27, 2006
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Is He Naughty?

This is Mason Cantu. He's Claudia's grandson and lives in Kissimmee, Florida! His mother, Jamie, got him these pajamas for Christmas. She told him to go under the tree to look for something and then she snapped this picture. He's about 15 months in this picture. He is one of the happiest babies I've ever met.
Monday, February 20, 2006
Sunday, February 19, 2006
More Squirrel Problems!!
The day after we got here, we discovered that the squirrels had eaten a hole in the ceiling on the screened-in-porch and when they couldn't get out or back in the hole, they ate a hole in the new screening that George and Bob put up in Nov! Now it's war!! There was one on the outside screen chatterng away and one in the attic peeking out of the hole in the ceiling. At first I said, 'oh don't kill them'--now I say kill the buggars!!! We had a guy go up in the attic and he found 3 nests which he destroyed. He doesn't think they'll come back. George went and bought 2 traps and has one in the porch and one in the attic. I really hope this is the end of the squirrel capers!!
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Squirrels in Florida!
When we arrived on Tues there was a squirrel in the trap in the garage. Unfortunately it was dead. We figure it had been there for about a week. The exterminator found one alive and we found one dead. So, hopefully they are gone.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Back in sunny Florida

Here I am in sunny Florida again. George is with me until Sat and then I'm supposed to go over to the east coast and visit a couple of friends. It was quite chilly last night, but it has warmed up today. Tomorrow is supposed to be in the high 70's. I'll take that. I do miss my cat, so I've included a picture of one from the internet.
Friday, February 10, 2006
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Quilts from our February guild meeting!

The Dragon quilt was done by Maureen Shea. It's a dragon for her nephew. It's going to be featured in the magazine, Quilts With Style, in the May/June issue. Good job Maureen. The mostly pink quilt is a variation of the 'yellow brick road' quilt. The quilt with all the different blocks in it is our raffle quilt. It's been machine pieced and hand quilted. It's very pretty in person. We'll be raffling it in September 2006.
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Friday, February 03, 2006
Quilts from the Orlando Quilt Show 2006!

Here are a few of the quilts that we saw at the Orlando Quilt Show. Claudia, Lee Sears, and I went to the quilt show on Sat., Jan 21st. For Claudia and myself, it was our 3rd show that we've been to. For Lee, it was her first time and I think she enjoyed it. The first picture that looks like a bookcase was the one I voted for viewers choice. The detail is amazing. She even took family pictures and transfered them to cloth and made them look like picture frames on the top shelf. The cat has a piece of string hanging from its paw. The drawer at the bottom looks open and there is a tiny mouse running along the top. I also liked the blue quilt very much. It was hard to decide.