all things about quilting including pictures.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas 2009!

Alison made us all wallhangings that resemble our houses. She did a good job. We had a wonderful Christmas. As you can see from around the tree, everyone went way overboard!!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


The tree is up!! Yeah!! JoAnna was doing some shoveling by her front door and Erin's old room now has a new valance and new bedspreads. Alison's old room is a pretty peach. It looks mostly white in the picture, but it really is peach! I found these valances in the linen closet--not sure if these are the ones I want permanently, but for now, they are fine. It'll take me a while to get the room completely set the way I want, but, "it's a work in progress"! I need to get pictures in the rooms very soon. The walls are very bare! Thanks Lee for all your painting!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Blizzard December 19th and 20!!

Yesterday was my mother and my mother-in-law's birthday! Today is brother Ed's 60th birthday!! So the blizzard started around 11 pm on the 19th and continued until about 10:00 am on the 20th. I'm trapped in my house for a while. One picture is looking across my deck towards JoAnna's house and the other is looking out the front door. George has been out for the state plowing and sanding since last night. I have no idea when he'll get back. I should have gone to TN to Ed's 60th birthday party. At least I wouldn't be in all this snow!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Painting Alison & Erin's old room!

Lee came over yesterday to paint the two rooms. She did most of the painting. I helped a little but I'm not the best painter in the world. I didn't get a before picture of Erin's room. It was a yellow and is now a powder blue. It's hard to see the blue in this picture, but it does have a blue tinge to it. Not sure if I like the curtains with it, but those can be changed and I'll have to get different bedspreads. Now today we tackle Alison's room. Will have an update tomorrow.