all things about quilting including pictures.

Monday, November 29, 2010

More from Thanksgiving!

Suzanne took these pictures! I forgot my cord so I can't unload my camera in Florida, so I've stolen her pics. Thanks Suzanne. The people next door put out all their garbage and it must have had turkey bones in it. Before long the buzzards showed up and had a feast! I think buzzards are ugly, but the pic of one spreading his wings on the roof next door is actually very pretty! When we get together in Florida, we do Christmas. We had a good time his year with a lot of laughs! We got very nice gifts and a few joke gifts. George got this t-shirt and we think it fits his personality perfectly.

Happy Thanksgiving-Do you think we have enough food?

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving! There was enough food to feed an army! A slight fear of mine every year is that the turkey will not turn out good. Not sure why I have this fear because every year it's been good. This year the turkey was very good. The rest of the food wasn't bad either! Both brothers and wives brought food for breakfast the next morning. Very good!!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Trip to Pennsylvania!

Last week I returned from a 5 day trip to PA to visit with the Amish. Our leader, Deb, has been there many times and has made several friends there. We stayed in a hotel but we actually ate in different Amish homes every night. That was very interesting. One picture is of our tour guide, Rachel. She took us to a replica of what an Amish home would look like during a church service. They are held in a different home every other Sunday. We liked her a lot. She was brought up Amish but is now a Mennonite. The other picture is all of us just before we boarded the bus to head home. It was a wonderful trip!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Goodbye Mauve Hello Green

Got a new rug for the stairs and down the hallway. I really like it. The guy did a good job and put a thick pad under it. The mauve one lasted 21 years, so I sure hope this one lasts as long!!!!

More Quilts from Quilt Guild in November!

The first 2 are from our guest speaker. The top one has brought her awards and pictures in magazines. The next one is interesting with a 'braided' border. The next one is Sally's and it's only her second quilt. The last one is Sunny's. Very pretty everyone.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Guest Speaker at Quilt Guild

Our guest speaker was Bobbie Sullivan. She's done some amazing quilts and also teaches. She and nine of her friends made the quilt that is in 10 sections. They've done several of those and they've won awards.

Sunday, November 07, 2010

Quilts From Our Quilt Guild

The first quilt is Christine's. It's called 'tossed nine patch' and it has 20 different colors in it. It's pretty. The next is Sunny's 'convergence' quilt done with wavy lines. Very interesting and different. The last is Katy's quilt that she finished at the quilter's retreat. Very nice everyone.

Friday, November 05, 2010

Our Only Trick or Treater!!

This is Jacob. His mother is Jenni and has been friends with JoAnna since high school. Jacob isn't 2 yet and his mother wouldn't let him have candy, but he had fun anyway. He especially like the firetruck that George had parked in our yard!! He sure is a cutie!!

Monday, November 01, 2010

My niece, Tiffany, took this picture this summer as they were sailing back from Martha's Vineyard. I just love the colors--so calm!!! Very pretty, Tiffany. I wish it was bigger but that's the size that she sent me and I can't make it bigger. The other one is of a kayak that this man built from cardboard and plastic. It was at the canoe and kayak race on Columbus weekend. He said it was his second race with it. It looks pretty study, but I don't think I'd want to sail down Bass River in it.