It's hard to believe that that happened 4 years ago. Time goes by so quickly.
That day was so beautiful with crystal clear skies and crisp, warm, dry air. Here we were a little over 200 miles away on this beautiful day and the horror was that close. It was so hard to imagine. Alison and I went to visit Catherine because Alison had to go back Seattle and there would have been no other day to visit. Catherine lives in Carver and as we were going over the Bourne Bridge I became very emotional to think of all that had happened and we were so fortunate to have this glorious day and on our way to see a dear friend. It was a strained visit because, even though we were happy to see each other, our hearts and minds were on the horrific things happening in N.Y, Washington D.C. and Pennsylvania. Remember all those brave souls who lost their life trying to help others. Remember all who lost their lives as innocent victims of madmen. Sept 11th was also the day that George and Craig took their mother, Shirley, to the oncologist and he said her cancer was terminal. Very sad day all around. Never to be forgotten.